My Quotations
The mind's natural course is that of a flowing river, it is the reason as to why there is a special tranquility in sitting and watching smooth silent flow of the water down the stream.
kiprop 2008
The most liquid of all assets is time and ideas.
kiprop 2008
The poverty of knowhow is worse than the worst terrorist.
kiprop 2008.
The wheels of our fortune are all punctured.
The world may not light the candles for you but my heart is a candle that is lit just for you for as long as I live. It will always shine even if you don’t see; it will always do so just for you. 2008
There are moments that warrant celebration, moments that call for nostalgia. There are moments that demand re-evaluation and periodic rest for reinforcement. This is not such a time. It is time to recollect the splattered ammunition and move ahead.
kiprop.2008. warrior mentality.
There is no sophistry in the communication of my heart. It is so evident in what it wants, what it has and its intentions; no room for second guessing.
These two things I know that spoil the present moment; sweet memories of the past and anticipation of bad happenings.
To be born small is a privilege to mean that the upward trend is only a natural and a necessary step.
kiprop 2/08/08
Until swallowed, pride is a poisonous pill. When swallowed, life becomes full.
kiprop 2008.
We have written numerous cheques to withdraw from our account of trust, unfortunately the payee is marring with the figures
What is democracy that opposes opposition? Civilization is allowing people to advance to optimal levels without diminishing our own importance.
kiprop 2008.
When a man sacrifices for a woman it is what is expected, chivalry to be precise; when he sacrifices for another man he is being noble.
kiprop 2008.
You may not find the choicest of the world’s delicacies here, nor can you find choicest jewels, but you will find the choicest books and articles which will change you forever
Your birth was your parents choice but God’s plan. But what you become is ultimately your choice.
kiprop 2009.
I would like to pass one apology, our delay of birth, about our absence when we could stop some things from happening.
I don’t play a game where i don’t trust the ref.
kiprop 2008.
We are asking relevant questions but are given irrelevant answers.
kiprop 2008.
I have been turning several pages of our story. You might think we stopped writing; a wrong thinking. We wrote so many chapters and acted so many unedited scenes of our lives in these rhythmic feats of silence.
My efforts might be minute but my intention is great.
kiprop 2009.
I’m now in the business of thinking.
My thinking is at the level of explosion. It is evident that it is beyond what I’m allowed to think and thus it is time to go.
kiprop 2008.
Trouble is a readily available mineral, you are sure to find it when you search for it.
kiprop 2009
Progress has got to start from somewhere, when it starts from nowhere that is its very beginning.
There is no sun whose pride will not end up in the west. No beauty /rose whose petals will resist withering, a divorce from its parent. No rivulet which can resist joining an ocean. Tis cosmic will....
You reduced this man of solid intelligence by just gentle love. You dissolved him in the solvent of pure love. Your presence is an ever pleasant and awesome feeling. Were my confidence mature, I would heartily make a petition to God that this blessing outlasts me. Thus will I have lived.
Kiprop. .
Whatever I want , I will want until I need, for it is need that unlocks the means to getting it.
kiprop jonathan 2008.
If there is a substance of need in my life- it is love. kiprop 2008.
Books have made my ignorant me tolerable to a few reasonable but irrelevant and intolerable to the masses.
Brilliance is a word so spoken a thousand times yet is always a distant goal to many. I’ve always wanted to take hold of it but have always failed terribly. kiprop 2008.
Desire is the best food of the mind.
kiprop 2008.
Do not be small in the systems so that you are liberated from the ignominy associated with the uncivilised accusation or downplaying other people’s credentials. Rise up and walk.
kiprop 2008.
Doctors should be farmers for Kenya to have more food produce and more diseases.
kiprop 2008.
God help me! My weakness cannot merge the demands of absolute Christianity, absolute love, absolute obedience and absolute faith. I’m not yet done. 5/08/07.
Honesty is a virtue, a principle against which all other virtues are anchored. I do not accept any compromise of the same. Honesty is the hub of all other virtues.
kiprop 22-02-08
I dated complexity and it was so complex. I married her and my life was upturned a misery. The usual things about life were no longer simple. I have therefore divorced it. Knowledge being my witness. I’m acutely in love with simplicity and can’t wait to tie a knot of life before I walk down the aisle.
Kiprop 2008.
I do not put any defenses against your attacks.Your tantrums and small actions are the flowers of our relationship today which will mature to sweet fruits tomorrow. So always be there for us.
kiprop 2008
I have been in intimate relationship with poverty, I’ve dined with it, walked with it and slept with it but now I desire a divorce and live a life of economic freedom.
kiprop 2008.
I now need to align the dipoles of my brain substance towards yielding a super magnet that repels ignorance while attracting worthwhile knowledge.
kiprop sept. 2007
I pledge infidelity to all books I would want promiscuity in matters pertaining knowledge so that my children will be many and special in their own ways 17/05/08
I was overtaken by lust, I knew what was right right from the beginning. I was so conscious of the unfavorable landing ground but the ride was just good; pleasurable. However, it was so swift and the return ticket to my normalcy was just beyond my means. I still cry, I crave for that beautiful past however it is apparent that the state of the matters is irreversible.
I would rather death than ignorance without solution.
kiprop 2009
I’m not a bus of convenience, an invitee only in the time of trouble ;brainstorming in search for a solution but potentially considered a stowaway in the journey to celebrating the arrived at conclusion. 22-02-08
I’m ridding myself from all sorts of irrelevancies to step up my relevancy to where I’m due.
kiprop 2008.
This one thing i am sure of, that I’m confessing the past without regret this means a happiness presently and prosperity in the future.
I’ve trying to mine from your fields but have always gotten valueless stones an d massive disappointments.
If an armed robber with sound ammunition attacks and overpowers a legal ill-equipped government security man, will you blame the government or the policeman.
kiprop 2009.
If the sunrise is not bright enough , wait for the sunset it may be dazzling bright.
If you want to employ a girl, employ a beautiful one whose struggle is not with the self esteem but if you want a man get an intelligent one.
kiprop 2008.
In the mystery of the heart of the one who is in love, the sophistry does not indwell in the beloveds hear.
In this card game, you played jump and then a kick back and now you haven’t any more cards to play and it is your turn. Good bye.
kiprop 2008.
It is good that we do not yet have anything to boast about yet, all we have is opportunity exceeding our capabilities to exploit. I do beseech you now to roll up your sleeves, to prepare adequately to plunge into this wonderful land of opportunity.
It shakes me; yes the thought of hastening my pace to unknown destiny. My feet move before my mind makes the decision to where it is going.
Knowledge is an undying force ;always advancing and those who would wish eternity should board it.
kiprop 2008
Liberty at all costs. Though I’ve discovered that responsibility alone is a sure yet an obvious prisoner.
kiprop 2008.
Life is a fair mine field. No one is destined to get a mineral while another to be a perpetual loser. We all should use all our available instincts and senses to try to unearth every gold and diamond.
kiprop 2008.
Lord, if you please, give me the wings to fly.
kiprop 2008.
Manipulation is served over the counter it is the only commodity that is served freely without order to the willing clients.
My desperation is that of a leaf exfoliated from a tree. All possible hope is seemingly disconnected....
My heart dances to a unique and pleasant tune of a music called love.
kiprop.. 2008
Negotiations is a futile endeavor; a fruitless engagement for those whose minds are already drowned in conclusions.
kiprop. 2008
Nostalgia has a way of dealing with me. It anaesthetizes me and
before I realize it dissects me asunder the nostalgia about you reminiscence of the past.
I would like to apologize for our delayed birth; about our absence when we could stop some things from happening.
Our ultimate life is a series of such days, atypical, short, non-orchestrated, happening in different circumstances and in different places and with different people. Cheer up and live.
Our combined effort of writing the script of life failed to materialize. I have cause to think that we have contradicted each other so much that whatever becomes of the end of it all will not be plausible and not fit for consumption for men of sound imagination.
kiprop. 2008.
Pleasure is oversubscribed so girl I want to subscribe to the opposite there seems to be a little rest compared to the hollow happiness I possess.
Sacrifice is what cuts yet you still smile.
kiprop 31/05/08
School taught me nothing; it taught me to enjoy what it did not provide. It taught me to think critically but only gave me abstraction. It taught me to analyze but did not give me data. I thank God for He gave me one life and from the start he ORDERED me to live it to the fullness; to tap the potential of every existent second of my life before death overtakes me.
kiprop 2008. renewing personal vigour.
The communication of hearts is devoid of any sophistry.
2008 kiprop
The cosmic dance is devoid of any artifice, the dancers carry no will and all dance to a common music-nature.
kiprop- 2009
The difference between your mother and your wife is that the latter gives you her breasts for touch while the former for suckling. The two are two human needs no one can deny.
kiprop 2009.
We sit for a common exam yet both of us are unaware.. The issue of contention is not who becomes the best assessor but who attains a distinction as a student in the school of loyalty.
The institution of family was God’s noble idea. It was the best idea and original at that. The only thing that can happen to something already best is to deteriorate. Let’s not modernize the institution of the family. 5/08/07 bible study about family Eph.5:21-33
The keys to one’s future are very unique. I do not therefore qualify to say that I come to unlock the future of this young people. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m on my knees in persuading you to unlock your potential. you got your own keys.
kiprop...2010 motivational talk at Waitaluk.
The kitchenish mentality cannot drive a society out of the morass of confusion but the sharp enough ones are always ridiculed.